Cosmetic Procedures FAQs

Westlake Village, CA

Below are several frequently asked questions regarding the cosmetic procedures done at the Westlake Laser & Medical Spa. We hope this can clarify some of your questions and concerns and if any additional information is needed feel free to contact our office.

Q: How does Botox work and how long does it last?

A: Botox is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles that temporarily treat moderate to severe frown lines. Results have been shown to last up to 4 months however results may vary.

Q: What results can I expect from fillers?

A: Fillers, like Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Radiesse and Belotero are a quick, in-office procedure with immediate results and no downtime. If you want a more youthful appearance and add volume and fullness to skin, fillers like these are very effective.

Q: How many laser treatment sessions will I need for facial or leg vein removal?

A: The number of sessions is dependent on the treatment that you require and the condition of your skin. The laser creates a beam of high intensity light that penetrates deeply into the skin tissue to help to diminish these lines and break down veins.

Q: Do laser treatments, such as Laser Hair Removal hurt?

A: There may be slight discomfort with each pulse of the laser. It can be described as similar to the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This discomfort resolves in several seconds. The laser has its own cooling system and topical anesthetic cream which helps to alleviate as much discomfort as possible.

Q: Why is Obagi different from any other skin care line?

A: Obagi is the number one prescription-strength skincare system that is available only through your physician. It is clinically proven to complement your facial procedures to lighten, tighten, firm and turn your skin cells over on a daily basis, making your overall aesthetic facial appearance even better. It is much more effective than other over-the-counter products and will help you maintain healthier, younger-looking skin.

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